In the shadow of one of the largest luxury hotels in Texas lies the headquarters of Patriot Front—a neo-Nazi extremist organization known for cloaking its white nationalist ideology in red, white, and blue patriotism. Patriot Front’s leader is Thomas Ryan Rousseau—a 22-year-old paranoid, demanding, and self-avowed fascist pining to create a white ethnostate from the bedroom of his father’s house in Grapevine, Texas.
UPDATE: Patriot Front Headquarters Moves to Haslet, Texas

Thomas Rousseau (left) and Brian Patrick Baynes aka “Ted Bundy” (center) a member of Atomwaffen Division at Unite the Right in 2017
Patriot Front is a dangerous, white nationalist organization. It’s leader, Thomas Rousseau, and members advocate for violence against minorities, women, and other marginalized people in achieving their goals. Arguably one of the nation’s most active neo-Nazi cells operating in the United States, Patriot Front should be taken seriously and all measures deployed to dismantle it. According to internal Patriot Front materials we received outlining tactics, strategies, and various security methods members are required to undertake, extreme caution should be exercised when encountering this organization for one’s own safety. Patriot Front has a specific plan to implement a secret and exclusive society of white supremacists in an effort to create a “nation within a nation” and the materials leaked to us detail exactly how they plan to do that while staying under the radar.
In this article, we will explore the origins of Patriot Front and give an exclusive look into Patriot Front headquarters, including its owner and dangerous, neo-Nazi occupants.
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Patriot Front was formed from the failure of another neo-Nazi organization, Vanguard America. Rousseau had led Vanguard America members at the Unite the Right rally August 12, 2017 in Charlottesville, VA . Among those present in the group he led was James Alex Fields who slammed his vehicle into a crowd of protesters murdering anti-racist protester Heather Heyer. Fields was convicted and sentenced to more than 400 years in prison.

Thomas Rousseau (left) and murderer James Alex Fields (right) at Unite the Right in 2017. Philip Lovett is at center.
Rousseau, fearful about public opinion in the aftermath of Unite the Right, splintered from Vanguard America, taking not only his loyal followers with him, but also stealing the communication platform and website in a virtual coup d’état. He then rebranded the violent white nationalist organization as Patriot Front using graphics and colors that would “inspire sympathy among those more inclined to fence-sitting, and can be easily justified to our ideaology [sic] and worldview.”
Patriot Front is one of a number of hate groups that seeks to appeal to mainstream, patriotic Americans by dressing up their propaganda and rhetoric in Americana. This allows them to embrace neo-Nazi ideologies while providing a cover of plausible deniability. Thomas Rousseau knows he is a neo-Nazi, and he is trying to control the public conversation about Patriot Front with careful branding.

Just like Patriot Front’s fascist, neo-Nazi agenda is hiding in plain sight so is their headquarters located in Grapevine, Texas. Situated in a quaint neighborhood within walking distance to an elementary school and a lakefront family park sits a three bedroom, two bath brown brick home built in 1985. The property has a single detached garage, an ample-sized backyard where Patriot Front members occasionally burn trash, a shabby front yard with two large, overgrown trees, and a lawn in dire need of one of the current inhabitants’ landscaping skills.
UPDATE: Patriot Front Headquarters Moves to Haslet, Texas

Patriot Front business headquarters is located in a residential section of Grapevine, Texas (Dallas-Fort Worth suburb) in a property owned by Thomas Rousseau’s father, Chris Rousseau.
Parked in the driveway is a red Camaro that never moves. Stored just behind it is a sailboat in disrepair. Just behind the sailboat is a detached two car garage that has been converted into a violence training facility. In the early evening you can hear weights clanking and a heavy bag being punched. The back wall is decorated with a full-size Patriot Front flag as a reminder that members are actually training for a future wharf to hand combat. Much to the dismay of nearby neighbors, Patriot Front members often blare loudly hate sounds that the white supremacists would describe as music while they exercise.
Neighbors know this residential property that sticks out all too well, and it’s easy to see why they do. After all, the occupants on Highview Lane in Grapevine, Texas try to hide their identities by removing their vehicle license plates when they are parked at the run-down property that doubles as Patriot Front’s hate headquarters. Patriot Front also recently requested to have the property blurred on Google street view which we took the liberty of remedying above. They also installed a new security system and flood light mechanism which is a further testament to leader Thomas Rousseau’s increasing paranoia and inability to control his most intimate environment.
Additional photos of the Rousseau residence / Patriot Front hatequarters:

One might not expect that the established, diverse neighborhood in Grapevine, Texas houses the headquarters of Patriot Front. In fact, founder and leader Thomas Rousseau runs the neo-Nazi propaganda wheelhouse entirely from his father’s house. His father is Thomas Christopher “Chris” Rousseau, a local sailboat captain who gives lake excursions starting at $500 per day. Captain Chris also charters yachts and boats in the Caribbean and Mediterranean.
Chris Rousseau, the owner of the property and whose own sailboat sits in the driveway, absolutely cannot miss the white nationalist agenda of his son, Thomas Rousseau, and the other tenants.

Thomas Rousseau’s parents divorced when he was a toddler and he was raised by his mother, Debbie Lynne Babb Rousseau, and older sisters. Debbie now lives in Lewisville, Texas just minutes from her neo-Nazi son. Rousseau lived a normal American childhood and doted on his mother who struggled to raise her children as a single mom. Surely, she was aware of her son’s increasing online white nationalist radicalization that culminated in Rousseau traveling over 1,200 miles to help lead the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA. After all, the FBI began monitoring Rousseau when he was still in high school in Coppell, Texas living with her.

Debbie Lynne Babb Rousseau in an image dated 10/2020 (left) and Thomas Ryan Rousseau at age 13 (right)

Thomas Ryan Rousseau was born October 20, 1998 to Thomas Christopher “Chris” Rousseau and Debbie Lynne Babb Rousseau in Denton County, Texas. His parents divorced before he reached school age and were married for less than a decade.
Rousseau lived a typical American childhood, spending time and vacation with extended family members, as well as his own nuclear family. He was raised by a single mother who dated from time to time and his older sisters who he got along well with, according to his mother.

A since removed image of Thomas Ryan Rousseau when he wrote for the Coppell High School paper, “The Sidekick”.
Rousseau attended Coppell High School where he wrote for the school’s paper, The Sidekick. This is the time period where Rousseau’s radicalization into neo-Nazi and white supremacist ideologies began and is where the young white supremacist cultivated his propaganda production skills. In a since removed opinion piece titled, “Trump: The Silent Majority No Longer Silent,” published just days after the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Rousseau wrote, “The truth is white voters, especially the working class, have had more than enough of being called racist, sexist, xenophobic, islamophobic, homophobic and the rest of the usual trite buzzwords. … The forgotten majority of the American electorate has shown that much to the dismay of the globalist agenda, that they have not yet been replaced by the tens of millions of blue-voting immigrants from abroad. That they can still hold up some semblance of a resistance against the decay of their nation.” Rousseau also showed an interest in eugenics early on, publishing a “Public Service Announcement” video when he was 15 years old titled, Gene Expression in Fish.

An active member and Senior Patrol Leader of Troop 123 out of Flower Mound, Texas, Rousseau attained Eagle Rank from the Boy Scouts of America on December 8, 2016. He would go on to lead the group whose member murdered anti-racist protester Heather Heyer and create the new neo-Nazi organization, Patriot Front, less than nine months later. In fact, one could argue that much of Rousseau’s inspiration for Patriot Front’s white supremacist propaganda and appearance is taken directly from the Boy Scouts of America’s marketing assets. Further, Rousseau is just one of several neo-Nazis who have reached Eagle Rank with the Boy Scouts of America in recent years. Is Scouting inspiring the next generation of neo-Nazis?

The journey of Thomas Ryan Rousseau from Eagle Rank Boy Scout to neo-Nazi Patriot Front leader.
Since forming Patriot Front, Rousseau, who stands 5’8” and weighs in at 142 pounds, has planned and led groups of white nationalists across the nation in attempts to terrorize minorities, immigrants, Jews, and other often marginalized people. These futile attempts to scare and hurt others have been met with resistance, mockery, and the doxxing, firing, and dehoming of Patriot Front members. On August 2, 2020 three men were arrested after vandalizing Parker County property on the Courthouse lawn in Weatherford, Texas. According to arrest reports, one of those arrested was Rousseau, the leader of Patriot Front. The other two men arrested were Cameron Rathan Pruitt, 21, of Midway, Utah and Graham Jones Whitson, 29, of Grapevine, Texas. Graham listed the same address as Rousseau during the arrest. Rousseau was so embarrassed about getting arrested and such a snitch that he denied being a member of Patriot Front, according to his arrest report. As suspected, he went from the rabid chihuahua dressed up like Billy Ray Cyrus character that appears on the organizations propaganda videos to a scared little snitch when it came down to it. A week earlier at the Parker County Courthouse, protesters had demanded the removal of a Confederate statue, which made global headlines when video surfaced online showing racist counter-protesters attacking anti-racist protesters while incompetent local law enforcement refused to intervene.

One can learn a lot about others by both observation and listening. One of Thomas Rousseau’s roommates, Kieran Patrick Morris who was exposed in 2020 by New York City Antifa, spoke both frankly and openly about his time in New York and desire to start a new life in Texas. His fashy haircut with shaven sides and a fuller top stand out against his trim figure as he jogs in short-shorts around the block at Patriot Front hatequarters in Grapevine, Texas. In fact, he’s often mistaken as a teenager by his neighbors with his babyface features and straight-legged gait.

Images of Kieran Patrick Morris, Patriot Front member, via New York City Antifa
“See, not everyone from New York is an asshole,” Kieran retorts as he quickly flips his brown, badly cut hair back while leaning against his dark blue Toyota Tacoma, caressing it like a girlfriend. Of course, Kieran Patrick Morris is only feigning innocence with his jovial statements and all-American appearance that he thinks he’s completed by getting himself a new companion–a very unfortunate puppy who he not very creatively named “Tex”. If you didn’t know better, Kieran’s goofball attitude and inability to keep his mouth shut would be down right endearing.

Kieran Patrick Morris, images via New York City Antifa
As reported by New York City Antifa, before Kieran got involved in Patriot Front, he joined the notorious online Nazi forum Iron March and repeatedly messaged Brandon Russell, the founder of the deadly Nazi group, Atomwaffen Division (AWD), about joining a New York-based cell of the Nazi terror organization. AWD members have murdered at least 5 people in the United States and in March 2020, five AWD members were arrested for threatening journalists, the ADL, and people of color. Kieran and Russell were communicating on encrypted messaging services days before Russell was arrested on explosives charges in Florida. In November 2019, Kieran traveled internationally with other Patriot Front members to network with European Nazi groups officially endorsed by Iron March, like Casa Pound in Italy and the Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM) in Sweden. NRM is responsible for numerous racist and murderous attacks. Members were found guilty of bombing refugee centers in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Kieran Patrick Morris circa 2015. He hasn’t aged much. Image via New York City Antifa
Since moving to Texas, Morris has updated his vehicle plates to NNR 4884 (Texas) and added a tonneau-type soft bed cover to his dark blue 2007 Toyota Tacoma. One reason he did this could be to hide the loads of trash he fills the back of his pickup with after sundown.
Be sure to read the full expose on Kieran Patrick Morris and his violent ties by New York City Antifa.

Graham Jones Whitson in a mugshot taken 8/2/2020 by the Parker County Sheriffs Department, Weatherford, TX
Also residing at the residential property that houses arguably the United State’s most active neo-Nazi cell is 29-year-old Graham Jones Whitson. Whitson was arrested by Weatherford police in August 2020 when he was caught along with Thomas Rousseau and Cameron Rathan Pruitt plastering Parker County property with cheaply-made Patriot Front stickers. Rousseau, according to the arrest report, had the stickers on his person and lied to an officer that he was promoting Patriot Front but was not a member. Whitson also had the Patriot Front stickers on his person, and appeared to “encourage” the other subjects as they placed stickers on various items.
Just a week prior to the arrests, at the Parker County Courthouse, protesters had demanded the removal of a Confederate statue, which made global headlines when video surfaced online showing racist counter-protesters attacking anti-racist protesters while incompetent local law enforcement refused to intervene.

Graham Jones Whitson in a mugshot dated November 12, 2017 by the Calvert County Maryland sheriffs department
The arrest in Weatherford, Texas wasn’t Whitson’s first brush with the law. Whitson, a 135 pound man from Mechanicsville, Maryland, was also arrested, along with another man, November 12, 2017 by the Calvert County (Maryland) Sheriffs Department and charged with possession of a controlled dangerous substance–in this case LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide)–and litter/dump under 100 pounds. Both men were transported to the Calvert County Detention Center.
Whitson drives a 2003 gold/tan Honda Accord with Texas license plates NWG 8546.
Patriot Front is a neo-Nazi, American fascist nationwide extremist organization operating from a residential house in the Dallas Fort Worth city of Grapevine, Texas. Patriot Front is a dangerous, white nationalist organization. It’s leader, Thomas Rousseau, and members advocate for violence against minorities, women, and other marginalized people in achieving their goals. Arguably one of the nation’s most active neo-Nazi cells operating in the United States, Patriot Front should be taken seriously and all measures deployed to dismantle it.
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